+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SEA SCHOOL - VOLUME ONE | | MATH WAVES | | | | by Pod Bay Enterprises | | | | an MVP Software Production | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Programming: David Johndrow Content & Design: Nancy Johndrow Art: David Johndrow, Dwight Sharpe, Jana Carey Music: John B. Davis, Kirk Stallings Voice: Emily Humphrey SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- IBM PC Compatible Computer 1.44M Floppy Drive or Hard Drive VGA Graphics card & Monitor MS-Compatible Mouse 512k Free RAM (Memory) SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS ---------------------- 286-12MHz (without sound & music) 386Dx-16MHz (with sound & music) Hard Drive ABOUT SEA SCHOOL & MATH WAVES ----------------------------- The Sea School Series consists of 3 volumes of software designed to teach and exercise basic early childhood education skills. This volume, called Math Waves, introduces and drills math skills. Within this program, there are 5 major content areas covering these skills. Later in this document, descriptions and directions for each of the 5 areas are discussed. Sea School is shareware. You are free to evaluate this software for 30 days, after which you must either register with MVP Software or delete the software from your system. Thanks for playing Sea School and for supporting shareware. Your honesty pays. This is volume one of the Sea School trilogy. To order the Sea School trilogy, call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24 hours a day. Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when you call. Or fill out the order form at the end of this manual and fax it to: 616-245-3204. Make sure your credit card number and expiration date are legible. Or if you prefer mail the order form and your check to: MVP Software, 1035 Dallas SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407. For overseas orders or technical support call 616-245-8376. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE If your favorite BBS doesn't have an MVP file section, then you may be missing some great shareware. To get all the latest and greatest MVP shareware releases, call one of the leading boards listed below, and check out the FREE MVP file area. In Grand Rapids, Michigan -- Ryan's Bar (616) 456-1845 In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4360 In New York, New York -- The Invention Factory (212) 274-8110 In Boston, Massachusetts -- Channel 1 (617) 354-3230 In Kansas City, Missouri -- Sound Advice (816) 436-1492 In Palo Alto, California -- Space BBS (415) 323-4193 In Reston, Virginia -- WorldNet (703) 620-8900 Even better, tell your favorite sysop about the MVP Distribution Network and how he can be assured of getting all of the latest MVP shareware hits as soon as they are released. See the SYSOP.DOC file for details. _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman at 70007,3536. INSTALLATION ------------ If you downloaded this file from a BBS, you don't need to run Install. If you purchased an evaluation disk from a shareware vendor or the store, follow these directions. To install Sea School, place the diskette into the A drive and type A:, or into the B drive and type B:. When the A> or B> prompt appears on the screen, type INSTALL. Follow the directions to install the software. To begin the game type SEA. NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS --------------------- Sea School will run as a DOS application, spawned under Windows, but you may encounter sound card conflicts. The best solution if you run into conflicts is to completely exit from Windows before starting Sea School. Clicking on the DOS prompt is NOT exiting Windows. You must actually close your Windows session. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SEA SCHOOL AND THE SOUND BLASTER 16 ----------------------------------- The Sound Blaster 16 sound card causes special problems, especially in 486 DX2 systems. If the game locks up, try running it without digitized sound effects. Another option is to include the following command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET SB-SET FM:9,9 This command may also make the music louder if it is too soft on your SB 16. MAKING A CLEAN BOOT DISK ------------------------ If you encounter problems running Sea School there may be a conflict between it and a program resident in memory. Here's a way to avoid the conflict. Place a blank, unformatted diskette into drive A of your computer. Then type FORMAT A:/S/U and press enter. When the computer is finished formatting the disk and copying the system files to it, press the RESET button on your computer or the ALT-CTRL-DEL keys at the same time. After your computer has rebooted, go to the Sea School directory and play the game. If it runs, there is a conflict between a resident program loaded by your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file. Whenever you want to play Sea School, simply reboot your computer with the boot disk you have created. Ordering Information The Sea School trilogy is available from the following authorized distributors: In the United States: -------------------- MVP Software 1035 Dallas SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407 phone: 800-968-9684 24-hour order line only (616) 245-8376 information, technical support, or orders. fax: (616) 245-3204 order price: $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping in the US, $4.00 shipping to Canada, $5.00 shipping everywhere else. Michigan residents please add appropriate sales tax. In Australia: ------------ Budgetware 9 Albermarle St Newtown NSW 2042 phone: (02) 519-4233 Fax: (02) 516-4236 order price: $A45.00 (includes shipping) +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ In the United Kingdom: --------------------- Testware Publishing 46 The Avenue Harrogate, N Yorks HG1 4QD phone: (0423) 886 415 Fax: (0423) 889 728 order price: 30 pounds (includes shipping) In Denmark and all of Scandanavia: --------------------------------- Pro-Soft Benloese Skel 4 G DK 4100 Ringsted phone: 53 61 90 42 fax: 53 61 93 91 order price: 210,00 kr. + VAT 25% + s/h 25,00 In Japan: -------- P. & A. Company Ltd 302 Bellwins, 1367-23 Nakagami, Akishima, Tokyo 196 phone: 425-46-9141 fax: 425-46-9142 BBS: 425-46-9143 4500 yen includes shipping and taxes Germany, Austria, and Switzerland --------------------------------- JDS -- Software Vertrieb Jens Driese Postfach 1269 D-26302 phone: 04451-85743 fax: 04451-860500 CIS: 100273,2252 BTX: DRIESE# price: 49 DM (includes taxes) plus 6 DM shipping The Netherlands --------------- HaSa Software Applications PO Box 414 9500 AK Stadskanaal phone: 5990 50161 fax: 5990 50124 BBS: 5990 50212 or 50314 or 50232 CIS: 100115,542 price: Call for current price Italy ----- Systems Comunicazioni srl via Olanda 6 - 20083 Gaggiano phone: (02) 9084 1814 fax: (02) 9084 1682 BBS: (02) 9084 1811 price: Lire 62.000 IVA inclusa SEA SCHOOL TRILOGY ORDER FORM Name ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________ Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________ CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE: 5-1/4" -or- 3-1/2" IMPORTANT! Price of Sea School Trilogy $29.95 Shipping and Handling (US) 3.00 Shipping and Handling (Canada) 4.00 Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 5.00 Michigan residents add sales tax 1.32 ------ Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $ Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only) Card number __________________________________________ Expiration number ____________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like ==================== in future products. Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486 Pentium Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___ Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________ (speed) (type) Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro SB 16 SB AWE32 PC speaker only Other ____________________________________ Where did you get Sea School: Math Waves? Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy Ryan's Bar Exec-PC WorldNet Invention Factory Space BBS Sound Advice Channel 1 BBS (name): _______________________ Shareware Distributor (name): _________________________________________ Are you a game player? Please answer the following questions about what you like and don't like in computer games. Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____ Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics Game Complexity Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________ Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send this order form and your check to: MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407 US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684. Fax: 616-245-3204. Tech support, information, or overseas order line: 616-245-8376. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ USING THIS PROGRAM ------------------ All 3 volumes of Sea School, including Math Waves, are accessed through one shell program called SEA. It's a Sea Shell! Get it? You must first change to the Sea School sub-directory. If you installed Math Waves to be directly under the main directory, in DOS you would type "CD \" and press return. Then all you have to do is type "SEA", hit return, and you are ready to go! The first thing that you will see is the Sea School main menu screen. From this screen, you can call each of the 3 volumes in the series if you have ordered them. For now, you can only access Math Waves. After you experiment with Math Waves, try returning to this screen and looking at some previews of the other 2 volumes. Or, locate the previews section within the Math Waves program itself. The first time you run Math Waves, you will be asked two important questions that will customize the program to your preferences. The first question will ask if you want to allow sound at all. Normally, sound & music can be turned on through the appropriate screen in the program. If you lockout sound, the changes you make within the program will be ignored. This will prevent unwanted noise for those of you using Math Waves in a school environment. The second question will allow you to specify a child's name. Use this feature if and only if the same child will be the only child using this copy of Sea School. Otherwise, each time Sea School is run, it will prompt the child for their first name. This can be irritating if you use Sea School at home and your child is the only one to use it. Once you start Sea School, the program will go into demonstration mode after periods of idleness. Demonstration mode simply gives you glimpses of some of the areas in this program. To quit demonstration mode and reach the Math Waves main menu, click the mouse button. Having done so, you will see the main menu. The main menu consists of 6 choice panels and a quit button. Use the quit button to leave the program and return to DOS. The 6 choice panels represent the 5 major content areas as well as an options area labelled "SEE ME FIRST." To choose any of these areas, simply click the mouse button when the cursor is pointing to the desired icon. ABOUT THE "SEE ME FIRST" OPTIONS AREA ------------------------------------- When you click on the "See me first!" panel, you will see the following screen: (1) INFORMATION: This section steps you through all kinds of information that pertains to this program and the Sea School series as a whole. Much of the information in this document is repeated in this section. (2) SOUND & MUSIC: This section allows you to control the sound & music volume settings. When you enter this section, you will see two bars that can be changed to set the volume for the musical scores and the sound effects & spoken words. Setting these options to 0 will effectively turn them off. Music is available to those of you who have an Adlib or Sound Blaster +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ compatible card. Sound effects and spoken words are available for those of you who have a Sound Blaster compatible card. If you do not have a Sound Blaster compatible card, you can get PC speaker sound effects. You turn PC Speaker sound off by setting the volume to 0 just as you would if you had digitized effects. IMPORTANT!!! If you experience sluggish behavior while running this program, try turning off the music feature to free up processor time. IMPORTANT!!! Some of you with Sound Blaster 16's may experience lockups. If this is the case, you should turn the sound volume off. If you want to have PC Speaker sound, call the program with the this parameter: "SEA1 1". (3) SASSY'S SCOREBOARD: This section will review the progress of the child using the program. For each of the 5 content areas, the most recent and best performance is detailed. For each, the number of correct guesses on the first opportunity as well as the number of attempts made are reported. In the Sea School Series, you will notice that when incorrect choices are made, the number of remaining options is narrowed and the child must try again. Eventually, the child has to choose the correct answer because eventually it will be the only remaining choice. For this reason, the coin scoring mechanism only rewards a coin if the child chooses the correct response on the first try. Also, even though they can miss it several times within any given round, the number of attempts made refers to the number of rounds played. (4) PREVIEWS: This section will give you a glimpse of the other available programs in the Series. All 3 volumes can be purchased separately from MVP Software. More details below! CONTENT AREA DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------- The following sections will describe each of the 5 content areas and how they operate. Keep in mind that the coins mentioned below refer to correct guesses made on 1st attempts. AREA 1: WAVES (Counting) ------------------------ In this section, a wave will wash items up on a shore. When the wave recedes, four puddles at the top of the screen fill with water. Each puddle has a number in it as well. The goal is to count the number of items that washed up on shore, and choose the correct puddle reflecting that number of items. When a correct answer is chosen, a sunglass bespectacled Sassy sticks her head out and smiles at you, then another wave washes up leaving the next round of items. When an incorrect response is chosen, that puddle drains and you are left with fewer choices. AREA 2: SEA HORSES (Number Sequencing) -------------------------------------- In this section, you will see five seahorses swimming in the water. Each seahorse has a number on its side. The goal is to choose the numbers in sequence, starting with the number one. When you choose the appropriate +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ seahorse, he will swim to the bottom of the screen and place the number in sequence. Meanwhile, keep an eye on the cave. Sassy will make an appearance in her submarine. Incorrect choices result in the disappearance of the number, thus yielding fewer choices. AREA 3: PENGUINS (Addition) --------------------------- This section begins with six penguins marching out onto the screen. Once the penguins are on the screen, an addition problem will appear in the sky. Each penguin will face you with a number on its chest. The goal is to choose the penguin with the number that is the answer to the addition problem above. When a correct choice is made, the penguin will reward you by turning around, walking to the water, and jumping in. Be sure to watch for the penguin to resurface with a TA-DA while the other penguins clap. When an incorrect choice is made, the penguins shake their heads in unison and the number disappears, leaving you with fewer choices. AREA 4: ICE FISHING (Subtraction) --------------------------------- In this section, you will be fishing for the answers to subtraction problems. The section begins with the subtraction problem appearing in the sky. You are on the screen holding a fishing pole above four holes in the ice. You must move the hook to the hole you want to select. When you answer correctly, you begin to fight the fish and eventually you'll reel him in. At that time, the fish is added to your fish rack and a winter-clothed Sassy appears to let you know you were right. When an incorrect choice is made, you will fight for a fish, but the fish will get off the hook. In fact, he'll steal your worm! AREA 5: SAND BRUSHING (Number Words) ------------------------------------ This unique section will enable the child to uncover debris that washes up on shore. Like the first section, a wave will wash up on shore. When the wave recedes, it leaves some items on the beach that are covered by sand. Each "shadowed" item has a number word on top of it. You must move the brush to the bottom of the screen and choose the number that matches the number word, then move to the item, click the button and then begin brushing away sand. Once you have uncovered the whole item, you will be rewarded a gold coin. Once you have uncovered all of the items, a new wave will bring you yet another round. REWARDS SCREEN -------------- When either an area is completed or your child decides to return to the main menu by hitting the ESCAPE key, if any coins were earned, the child is rewarded with a screen that counts up the number of coins earned. As the coins fall into a chest, the number of total coins earned is displayed on the treasure chest. If the number of coins earned meets or exceeds three-fourths of the attempts made, a firework display lets your child know they are doing well. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MATH WAVES | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Once all of the coins have fallen and the fireworks display is over, the view will shift over to the scoreboard. This scoreboard, unlike the one intended for parents or teacher in the SASSY'S SCORE-BOARD section, reports how many total coins have been earned as well as the child's current rank. There are eight different ranks, each is acquired after a certain threshold of coins is exceeded. Once the highest rank is achieved, your child can continue to progress by collecting starfish. We hope you enjoy Math Waves. If you do, please support shareware and register the Sea School trilogy. Your children will thank you.